Hot Summer Days

Hot Summer Days

We have had a mild summer up to this point. However, the last few days have been true summer days with high temperatures and humidity. Despite the heat, we have continued to work on making our RV park even better. Brandon has been installing a completely new WIFI system to accommodate our increased business. Additionally, we have been blessed with a wonderful couple who have helped us this summer with keeping the flowerbeds and grounds beautiful. We owe a HUGE thank you to Frank and Mary Ulch. They have been a tremendous blessing to us. I must also mention that we have an extremely talented photographer in the RV Park. He has taken some incredible pictures, including the one in this blog post. Thank you, Tony Partrige, for allowing us to share your amazing photos on our website and Facebook pages.

We have had record numbers this summer and it looks like fall will be no different. We already have several reservations lined out and continue to receive calls daily from those interested in making reservations. Fall is always our busiest time of year. We are excited to watch our business continue to grow. To say that we feel blessed is an understatement.


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